Saturday, July 03, 2004

My 2004 Comics, Year-to-Date

It's Free Comic Book Day, so now is as appropriate a time as any to check and see how much I have spent thus far this year on non-free comic books. Thanks to the inspiration of Augie De Blieck, I've been keeping an Excel spreadsheet listing all of comic purchases for this year.

In the first half of 2004, I have spent just a smidgen over $300 on comic books. This money bought 187 comics, 6 trade paperbacks or graphic novels, and 1 hardcover. This averages out to $11.66 a week on comics. The cover price of these books total a little over $540, so you can see how big a fan I am of a good deal.

$210 were spent at my home comic shop, Odin's Cosmic Bookshelf, where I have my pull list. $52 were spent on a Mile High Comics online sale earlier this month. I spent roughly $20 at the comic shop at the J&J Flea Market outside Athens, and the rest was frittered away at other locations.

And since I bothered to keep track of the companies that printed each book, I bought 87 DC publications, 42 Marvel, 27 First (a big run of "Jon Sable: Freelance"), 11 Wildstorm, and 6 Vertigo. All other companies were represented by fewer than 5 purchases.


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