Saturday, July 31, 2004

I'm Back!

Sorry for the unannounced hiatus, but I took a break from blogging during the last few weeks before the bar exam. Between studying and moving out of my apartment, a lot of time was consumed, and blogging was an activity that could afford to be cut for a while.

But now that's over. The bar exam was on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, and I felt better walking out than I did walking in. Unfortunately, results won't be released until late October, so I have three months of waiting ahead.

Right now, I'm moving into my grandmother's old house, where my brother has been living for the past year. I don't have a job yet, but after 20 years of school, I feel like taking a break before settling into 40 years of work. If I'm fortunate, I'll be able to find a job within driving distance of here, and save myself the trouble of moving again in the near future.

In the meantime, I'll enjoy life. I'll catch some movies I haven't seen yet (I'm assuredly the only comics fan who hasn't seen Spider-Man 2), read some material that's piled up, and maybe write some of my own. I hope to do some eBay selling, so I'll have less to move the next time 'round. I have a fledgling campaign to run. And I can blog more.


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